Polishing Your First Date: How To Suit Up?

date night, clothing, casual ear, going out

What you want to do on the day is essential. Planning the time and day is crucial to get the affirmation you want to hear. If your gunning for a second date, you have to think out of the box. You must consider other factors such as your appearance, personality, and manners. The ongoing first date is your stepping stone to the second one. Remember, the impression is the key to get another round from your crush or your dream partner.

When considering your appearance, you must work on these aspects – health, your manner of clothing, and disposition. Most first date tips for men and women neglect these things. Guides only include how to act or what to wear while lacking information how these will impact you and your date on the day. Though these won’t directly affect the course of your date, these will help you build a great time and create lasting memories on your date at Vertis North grounds and other places to take your partner.

How to build on existing strength?

kids stretching PlayKids

The guide will refer to strength as the health status of your body. A healthy body has balanced energy levels and healthy metabolism. Besides being free of any illness, a body in its excellent state also has a maintained weight.

Regular exercises, which are 3 to 5 times per week, will accelerate your weight loss programs. Any strength training becomes effective when you maintain its frequency. Activities such as walking and running (cardio exercises) are highly effective at shedding the extra weight. The fat contributes to the slow movement of the body. Thus, the body becomes pressured to burn the fat and sweat it out.

However, exercises will only be beneficial when you give your muscles a chance to recuperate. Twenty to thirty minutes of intense activity at least two days per weeks will show a difference. As you get used to it, you may start increasing the frequency or duration of your chosen activity. Remember that the best exercise is the one you will enjoy and make you commit to the program.

healthy food

Still, exercise isn’t the only solution to building your strength. Consuming the ideal meal fuels your body so it can perform on it’s full potential daily. Meals with leafy greens, juicy fruits, and fresh sources of protein is the key to managing weight and keeping your cravings under control. If you plan to undertake a diet, you must consult a nutritionist so you can provide the nutrients your body needs. You should also take note of your intake of water. Water hydrates your cells and flushes the junk out of your body – elementary stuff everyone should know.

Combining the habit of exercise, healthy food choices and managed eating portions effectively reduces weight, keeps acne, bacteria, and virus at bay while powering your engines.

What to wear on a first date?

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A considerable part of your appearance depends on how you carry yourself. What you wear on the day impacts your confidence and conduct. For instance, wearing a new pair of shoes even if it’s tight makes the night ten times uncomfortable than it is. Before venturing on a spree in Quezon City at the shops at Vertis North or Trinoma, check your closet. The clothes you will wear depends on the type of date you will have and the place you will go.

If your date includes dining at a restaurant or checking the latest flick on the silver screen, you can opt for casual wear. A nice pair of well-fitted trousers (no holes, intact buttons, and seams) in a neutral color will be perfect for the occasion. You can pair it with a short-sleeved button-down top in a solid hue or prints. As long as the combination is within your comfort zone, you are good to go.

Don’t shy away from mixing and matching tops and bottoms while at the store or home. That’s is the only way you can find which will work for you. If you aren’t sure what to pick, go for the simple ones – button downs in navy, wine, white, v-neck shirts, and pants. Skip the shorts unless you are heading to the beach.

How can I project a healthy disposition?

Confidence is part of an attractive disposition. Attractive people have a healthy disposition, which is also their secret to bagging a second date.

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It seems difficult to build confidence on the day of the date because of nervousness. Your brain starts to think of all the things that may go wrong. You can opt to do these instead of overthinking:

1. Pump yourself.

Look forward to the occasion. Recount the lengths you have to go through to be on a date with your special someone.

2. Counter thoughts that will make you second guess yourself.

Don’t dwell on the negative of yourself and the situation. Being stuck in traffic is an opportunity to extend your conversation to get to know each other. Sold out movie tickets allows you to be spontaneous. Plan activities on the spot and see how you can get crazy with ideas.

3. Believe in the positive.

The product of gratitude is positivity. Confident people are happy people who are also attractive. Therefore, the key to happiness is gratitude. Counting your blessings and saying thanks for the wonderful time you will have contributes to your joy. A happy person projects a healthy disposition.

Disposition is all about mental conditioning. When you push yourself to see the other side of the coin and focus on what’s important (your date and having a great time), your mind reflects the good news and spreads the vibes to your body. You become a confident and optimistic with the flow of your date.

Zipping the Suit

Everything above is preparation for what’s to come. A healthy body minimizes unwanted bathroom breaks and reschedules. Choosing the right set of clothes will you comfortable. Conditioning your mind to be assertive and confident will highlight your best self.

All GIFs are taken from GIPHY.

Try These Sports to Get a Break from the Gym

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A condo in Pasig has amenities, and part of it is free gym access. You can finish different workout routines, but it can be repetitive. Moreover, the body can get used to it and limit the benefits your muscles can gain from the physical exercise. At the same time, not all people want to sweat indoors. They prefer to workout in open areas with fresh air and sunlight. Parks, fields and community courts like those within Vermosa are ideal places for people who want to be outdoors.

If you are looking for different ways to burn fat and enjoy your #summerbody2018, here are a few sports that will give you a break from the gym.


If you would be walking and not using your golf cart, for sure golf will be a good calorie burning sport. It allows you to enjoy a lush scenery while socializing with esteemed colleagues and long-time pals.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 267 calories
For 180 pounds: 369 calories


Golf courses and selected sporting shops offer golf club rentals. However, it won’t be custom fitted. It’s essential to have a club that suits the golfer as it significantly improves performance. The player can enjoy accurate shots and longer hits.

1. Golf gloves – It prevents blisters and provides a firm grip on the club.

2. Golf shoes

3. Bag for golf clubs, balls, raingear, water, and snacks

4. Tees

5. Primary clubs – The set must include the putter, pitching web, sand wedge, three, five, seven and nine irons; the three wood; the driver.

Softball or baseball

Both sports use a round ball, a bat and a glove. It has similar instructions and plays. Its fields, pitching style, rules, and balls used are different.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 310 calories
For 180 pounds: 420 calories



1. Bats – There are restrictions on aluminum and wood bats. Meanwhile, young players must use ones with safety knobs at the end to prevent it from flying.

2. Ball – Fastpitch games use balls with 12 inches and smaller in circumference. Slowpitch games use 16-inch balls.

3. Helmet

4. Softball glove – It has a larger pocket compared to a hardball glove.

5. Catcher’s mitt, catcher’s mask, chest protector, athletic cup

6. Cleats

7. Base – A dirt patch, used shirts, pieces of plastic and other material can serve as a base as long as it has a flat surface.


1. Bats – Bats for the youth comes with a small barrel. It is also lighter than adult bats which comes with a bigger barrel.

2. Glove

3. Baseball – It has a rubberized core wrapped in yarn and covered with full grain leather.

4. Batting helmet

5. Catching gear


Racquet sports are a great cardio workout. It keeps the body moving which is good for the heart. It also strengthens muscles, enhances flexibility, balance, and coordination while increasing bone strength and density. It also improves problem-solving skills.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 372 calories
For 180 pounds: 515 calories


1. Racquet – There are different types of racquet – power, control, and tweener. Power racquets are for beginner and intermediate players while control racquets are for professional and experts. Meanwhile, tweeners are for intermediate and advanced players.

2. Tennis shoes

3. Tennis balls

4. Accessories – You can wear sunglasses to have a better view of incoming shots and cut the glare of the sun. It also shields your eyes on a sunny day. A sweatband can keep hair and perspiration off your face, and a visor can provide shade.


Swimming is a therapeutic sport as it is advised to people enduring scoliosis. It focuses on the body’s flexibility to move along or against the water.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 434 calories
For 180 pounds: 601 calories


1. Swimwear

2. Towels

3. Swimming cap

4. Goggles


Soccer is a team sport with a lot of running and strategy planning. You can play it with less equipment, but it is necessary to prepare for competitive games.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 434 calories
For 180 pounds: 601 calories


1. Shirt and shorts – It must be made using durable materials to prevent a tear. Shorts allow freedom of movement and keep the body cool while playing.

2. Shoes – Shoes must have cleats when playing on grass for a more excellent grip. Hard surfaces or artificial turf doesn’t require cleats.

3. Socks – It must reach the knees to keep them from slipping. Double layering minimizes friction.

4. Protective gear

5. Ball

6. Goal


People of all ages can play basketball all year round because it is usually indoors. It’s perfect for making new friends as it encourages teamwork. You can also practice alone as long as you have a ball and a hoop.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 496 calories
For 180 pounds: 687 calories


1. Shoes – The pair must provide good ankle support.

2. Knee and elbow pads

3. Mouthguards


Six-on-six can play a regular volley match while two-on-two for beach volleyball. The sport employs smart attacks to counter powerful spikes and endure death-defying digs to place the ball on the opponent’s court.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 496 calories
For 180 pounds: 687 calories


1. Ball – The standard weighs between 9 to 10 ounces with a circumference of 25.6 to 26.4 inches. Junior players use synthetic leather balls weighing between 7 to 8 ounces.

2. Net – The net hangs on posts an cables. It must be
7 feet and 4 1/8 inches high for women players while 7 feet and 11 5/8 inches tall for men.

3. Shoes


Besides brute force, endurance and agility, players learn from the discipline of the sport. Players learn to cooperate and become hyper-aware of their surroundings. They develop an understanding towards strategy and spatial arrangements.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 496 calories
For 180 pounds: 687 calories


1. Ball

2. Helmet

3. Shoulder pads

4. Waist and leg pads

5. Cleats

Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee requires endurance as it involves lots of running. All you need is an open space to enjoy playing it with your pet.

Estimated calories lost:

For 130 pounds: 496 calories
For 180 pounds: 687 calories

Exercise Towards Wellness

Exercising is only part of the fat-burning process and wellness you must not rely on your gym trips to build your health. Sports encourage interaction and change in environment. You can opt for individual games if you are not up to socializing. Your path to fitness becomes fun when you are enjoying yourself.

Note: This article was first published on 06/08/2017 as “Hitting the Gym Again? Try These Sports Instead.” It was revised and updated for all urban dwellers who wish to improve their quality of life.

Not Quite an Adult: Utilizing Your Best Self in the Workplace

No other moment can provide a glimpse of your best self. People think it’s the future version of themselves or it’s someone they’ll meet. Newsflash: human nature doesn’t work that way. Each day is an opportunity for progress and becomes an improved version of yesterday.

Therefore, whatever you decide to do during work hours will affect your performance. You can accomplish more than what did yesterday. You can train your mindset to have achievable goals while in a serviced office Makati. All of these actions brings out your best self. Fortunately, your best self is already with you even before you took the time to consider it.

If you want to unleash your full capacity in the office, you can learn from the guide below.


1. Explore the core need.


To become efficient in any manner of life, you must figure out the what does your boss, clients, and the people you work with require to fulfill their duty. Having a grasp of their needs enables you to align your goals and vision to cast a large net for a vast audience.

However, this doesn’t mean that you will be a slave to others. Exploring what you can contribute to your team and community is a stepping stone to self-assertiveness. It becomes your training ground to achieve excellence as long as you focus on the lessons along the way.


2. Hone your natural gift.


Each person has an inherent talent. A 21-year-old engineering student can charm a crowd through his hosting skills. A 25-year-old business management graduate with a peculiar for fashion may set up an ethical fashion house to bring the designs to life. You may have the “ear” that can spot the difference from a tune or a pitch. Whatever it is, there’s something in you that no one else has. You must be proud of that.

Discovering your talent often takes time. It can take a month or a year. Worse, it can take forever. The time of discovery depends on you. If you don’t venture into the wild to test the waters and try things out, you will never find your gift. On the other hand, honing your talent is simple. You only need to put it to good use. Though your work won’t require the ability you have, you can still do other activities to exercise it.


3. Persist after what keeps you going.

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Your turn on are the things, ideas, and targets that keep your heart pumping. These inspire you to reach the extra mile. You are willing to sacrifice your time and effort without anything in return as they make you happy and contented. Surveying everything and engaging in those within your sight will further your experience. Go after encounters that targets your senses. That way, you can distinguish the physical and mental challenges of your purpose and present opportunities.


4. Stop the search for happiness.

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The future is now. What happiness comes from is currently happening. As you stack up against the actions of today, you end up with results that you will see at some point in time. Therefore, there’s no use to look for happiness in nonexistent places and timelines.

Moreover, step away from the “once I have this…” syndrome. The idea that you will be happier once you get to have or become you aim in be will only result to unfulfillment. It’s a never-ending cycle just like emails, deadlines and client queries. If you have this mindset, ask yourself. Why are these essential to being your best self? What will you feel after having the thing or being in a particular state? We usually want the feeling because of its impact than the thing itself.


5. Accept your feelings.

will ferrell glass case of emotion GIF-source

Feelings are just like the weather. They change with the bat of an eye or a kiss on the cheek. But it doesn’t mean that the emotions aren’t real. They are raw and intense makes them unforgettable and grounds the person feeling them. Sometimes, people need inner peace to achieve their best self. Unfortunately, tumultuous emotions are part of living. People need to accept them.

Allow yourself to feel. If you’ere mad and have the urge to hit something, do it. Catch a long dramatic movie on Netflix so you have a reason to cry without looking silly. You can also hit the movie theater and envelop yourself in darkness. If you’re feeling confident, share the limelight with someone else so they can see as in your sunshine. The best way to be in touch with yourself is by owning your feelings. Let it all out.

Utilizing your capacity to provide in the workplace starts from the inside and branches out to other aspects of life. When you recognize your talents and accept your feelings, you empower yourself. When you expose yourself to the things that bring joy and excitement, you learn to stop the search for happiness. Combining these with the needs of your organization solves your purpose while taking over the opportunities in front of you.

Twenty Movies to Avoid on a Date Night

The last time was an extended post on Ryan Gosling’s movies. The list was a gushy one and didn’t include his badass moments. Moreover, the movies aren’t part of the latest Vertis North movie schedule. If you aren’t a fan of the said actor, don’t worry. There are thousands of movies annually meaning there are millions of films you haven’t seen in this lifetime.

Unfortunately, not all movies are worth your time. Some of them aren’t fit for the occasion. Watching shows with explicit content won’t help ease the tension between you two. At the same time, a film with a lot of sexual innuendoes won’t get you a second date. If you want to get over the friendzone fence, here are twenty movies that *may guarantee the next date. That is if you AVOID them.

The Drama Bomb

These movies are those heavy on drama. Some of these movies have a long-winded plot and contain characters whose names are difficult to pronounce. These films require your attention which may not be a good thing since it deviates your focus from your date. At the same time, the motion picture causes you to tear up. It’s a no-no especially if you have an ugly crying face.

ugly cry kim k

1. Black Swan
The story is about Nina, a ballerina consumed by her profession. She spends most of her time practicing dances or living with her over-controlling mother. The upcoming production of Swan Lake put pressure on her as she gains competition from a newcomer, Lily. The pressure from her mother on top of perfecting her role as the ‘Black Swan’ opens up her Pandora’s box – a dark side that slowly consumes her.

The movie is Rated R for drug abuse, sexual content, disturbing images and language. The fear and character disturbance in the film isn’t exactly impressive (unless that’s your kink).

2. Erin Brockovich
Julia Roberts’s silver screen portrayal of the real-life story is notable and must-see. Unfortunately, the plot won’t exactly put you in the right mood – especially if you’re on the female empowerment bandwagon. Her involvement in a tiny law firm by leading one of the biggest class action lawsuits against a multi-billion dollar company is as real as it gets. The way Erin interviews and gathers information on the matter shows her values and her hard work.

Erin Brockovich is an unemployed single mother. Limited opportunities exist during those years for women with colorful pasts. But if it weren’t for them, the world won’t be where it is now.

Blockbuster Franchises

The downside of a movie franchise is the need to follow through. You must watch all or the latest installments at least to be up-to-date of the story. It’s if both of you are fans of movie installments. If not, this is not the time to introduce them to Narnia, Hogwarts, or Wakanda.

iron man strut

3. Marvel Cinematic Universe
4. DC Extended Universe
5. The Lord of the Rings
6. Fast and the Furious
7. Pirates of the Carribean
8. Harry Potter
9. James Bond
10. Star Wars
11. Transformers
12. X-Men

Past the Two-Hour Mark

Most films are two hours long or less. However, some exceed the mark to include the elements they want to see on screen. If the movie is multi-genre like Forrest Gump, then go ahead. Still, sitting for a long time can make your butts go numb or get chills from the theater’s supercharged AC. Most of all, you’ll get bored if you aren’t interested in the film.

the godfather

13. The Godfather I and II
14. Pulp Fiction
15. Schindler’s List
16. Titanic
17. Avatar
18. The Wolf of Wall Street
19. The Patriot
20. Boyhood

It’s easy to remember which is which. The tearjerker is films which touch your heart and makes you curl in bed with a bowl of popcorn. Epic franchises unleash the geek out of you. You can recite each character’s history and background. You read or write fanfictions of your OTP (one true pairing). Last but not the least, the long and monotonous films that may tackle subjects outside the boundaries of your interest.


Polishing Your First Date: A Night at the Movies

cinema schedule, movie schedule, drive by, movie, movie date

Asking someone out entails a plan. You must construct an idea in your regarding how you want your time together to end. Some people dance the night away. Others catch the latest flick in movies theaters while others pass the time under the starlit sky.

A trip to the cinema to see the two-hour marathon on the silver screen is every teenager’s date idea. It’s simple and effortless but manages to conjure a smile from ear-to-ear. It can be a prelude to a romantic walk or cap off a fancy three-course meal.

First dates and initial encounters often lead to a trip to the movie theater as it relieves the pressure to talk. If you’re having doubts about why you should invite him or her to see the latest release from Marvel, you should consider these opportunities to dig into the character of your partner.

1. Uninterrupted silence

Watching a movie gives you time to bond without talking. Daily verbal communication can be taxing. Thus, sitting near each other to enjoy each other’s company becomes a special treat.

2. Body language

Hours of sitting without speaking reveal a lot about the person. Do they sit quietly and patiently wait for the movie to end? Are they interested in what’s on screen? Do they fall asleep as soon as they feel comfortable? All of these are reflections of their personality which you can observe during your time together.

3. Touch

The darkness and the cold from the airconditioning provide opportunities to touch each other. Holding hands means both are comfortable with each other. An arm around the shoulder levels up the game. It can also lead to snuggling especially if the armrest is adjustable.

4. Check test

Most guys like to earn some points early in the game. Hence, they foot the bill on a few dates. However, some women lavish in their capability to provides for themselves. They prefer to split the costs in half. The opportunity shows if the pair should have a follow-up date or break it off as early as now.

5. Memory lane

Whether the date hits or tanks, seeing the film will bring back memories of what happened on the first night. The memories will bring back the taste of the cold takeouts you ate instead of popcorn along with the tall cup of stale Coke. It will become a reminder of the comfortable seats, his warmth or her perfume.

A movie theater isn’t the fanciest and the ideal spot to bring a first date. Still, it’s a place to establish a connection. It can ignite a spark and provide excitement as the course of the night can be unpredictable. To make sure a date-night-plan goes without a hitch, remember this five-step foolproof guide to a movie night.

1. Set the time and the place.

Knowing the Vertis North cinema schedule if you are near Quezon City saves time and helps you plan the route to take to arrive on time. It also gives a heads up on which movies are available for the month.

2. Pick three movies from the roster.

That way, you and your date won’t spend most of your time discussing which film to see. Always include a rom-com in the mix.

3. Wear comfortable clothing.

Bring a sweater in case the theater gets extra chilly in the middle of the film.

4. Come on time.

5. Avoid checking your phone.

You will appear bored and uninterested in your date. Don’t forget to switch it to silent mode too.

What goes after the date is up to you. It’s best to keep it on the safe side. Keep it PG-13 to ensure you’ll still have a chance for a next one. Most of all, the sweet and seemingly-innocent encounter will keep him or her coming back for more.

Home Management: Understanding Intuitive and Observant Personalities

An observant personality or someone who relies on his or her sensing rather than intuition are opposites of each other. Therefore, putting them under one roof can result to disaster. Understanding the two subjective preferences and finding out which of them are suitable to your personality completes your identity. Though each person has both Intuition and Sensing, some people prefer to use one over the other.

Everyone is distinct from each other. No one will have the exact personality. Thus, knowing the difference between Intuition and Observant personalities on a deep level will help you build and navigate through relationships. Some people grew up in a family of Sensors and vice versa. These circumstances may result in misunderstanding or quarrels. Others close themselves off to their families and friends because of this. They settle in a condo for sale in Nuvali to avoid feeling out of place.

If you wish to improve your home situation, here’s how Intuitive and Sensors differ from each other. Communication style, the way of thinking, and even manner of accomplishing tasks vary.

Intuition (N)
intution kourtney kardashian

Intuitives are visionaries. They are highly invested in ideas and emphasize novelty. They draw energy from within through their imagination. Their mind is full of ideas and possibilities which fuels their existence. They dream and fantasize the “why’s” and “how’s” instead of searching for clues from concrete evidence.

Their manner of dealing with life and its circumstances makes them feel they don’t belong in the world. Often, they detach themselves from the actual and concrete world. They may also appear to observe people and events. Unfortunately, their minds fly beyond what’s in front of them. Their active mind unconsciously wanders and makes connections, so they end up having an open mind.

Highly-intuitive people are fans of never-ending improvement. The aim their sight on future events rather than the present to improve themselves and the world around them. All of these help them express elaborate ideas and read between the lines. Allusions, whether verbal or written, are a breeze.

Sensing (S)

sense of feeling peter parker

On the other hand, Sensors or Observants are objective types. They are highly interested in facts and figures or “observable things.” They want the ‘tried and tested’ instead of going after the abstract. They are also the ‘here and know’ types of people. Compared to Intuitive, their mind is in the moment. Their energy comes from their surroundings. Thus, they are more stable than their Intuitive counterpart.

Their appreciation and engagement with the world through their senses help them retain their undivided attention. Their senses provide the information they need. They prefer to see, touch, feel and experience what’s around them. Thus, their feet are planted on the ground. They do not toy with theories or brainstorm the outcomes, possibilities and future events. Consequently, abstract thinking and indulging in fantasy scenarios aren’t their cup of tea.

Hence, they perform better when focusing on one task at a time. Juggling several activities may result in sensory overload which can drain their energy and minimize productivity. Regarding communication, they are straight-forward and practical. They focus on clarity and facts on pressing matters.

An intuitive person may think that an observant person or Sensing-dominant is materialistic, unimaginative, and simplistic. Meanwhile, an observant deems an intuitive as absent-minded, impractical, and naive. Using each person’s differences to help each other instead of highlighting them allows people to live in harmony.

Intuition and Sensing are part of what makes each human being’s personality and thought process. One person can be an effective communicator while drabbling in objective-based sciences. Others may only excel in one. Development plays a role how each one ends up with a dominant trait. Knowing how these two affect each person helps parents, teachers, and other parental figures lead their children to the path that best suits them.

GIFs taken from GIPHY

Hopeless Romantics Shouldn’t Ask These People on a Valentine’s Date

If you think about it, Valentine’s Day is a holiday created by greeting cards, stuffed toy makers, and other industries to boost their sales. Still, February 14th manages to bring enchantment to the people as everything becomes hyped. The sweet serenades, softly glowing lights, and gentle affections from couples puts spectators to spread some love.

There are two types of people during Valentine’s Day – the hopeless romantics and the anti-Valentine. The former looks for love and hopes for a date until the last minute of the 14th. Meanwhile, the latter doesn’t care. They are also the type to not give a damn about what’s on the faux holiday.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday for the hopeless romantics. They’re the type to book a dinner for two and staycation at Seda Vertis North. They keep notes of the person they love, prepare breakfast and go to lengths to wow their s.o. That is if they have one.

Single hopeless romantics on Valentine’s Day will call up their close friends and acquaintances to recreate their favorite rom-com scenes. Going on a date is part of the experience. To have a romantic date, they must avoid going out with the following people.

The BFF of the Opposite Sex

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If you wish to act as a pair on group dates and couple activities during Valentine’s, then go ahead. Extend your plan to confessing your feelings, and you might just end up with a broken heart by the end of the night.

Revealing your feelings on the 14th has an eighty percent chance of failing. He or she may see you the same way. Do you want to risk your friendship and remain scarred for life? Save yourselves from the awkwardness and misery. Don’t invite him or her to an intimate dinner or any dates specifically for couples.

The Colleague

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Don’t ask a work partner or office mate out if:
a.) They are of the opposite sex.
b.) You feel an attraction towards them regardless of their sexual orientation.

Don’t invite them for a round of drinks just because you’re both single, hurting and fresh out of a relationship. One thing leads to another when suddenly a shot becomes five, and you are both giggling like school girls.

Think about what happens once you’ve crossed the line. You see the person every single day, plan and strategize project and work in a limited space. Are you ready to commit to a relationship? Most of all, do you really like them that way? Think about those things before you invite them or join them in drowning their feelings.


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Establishing boundaries is the key to any friends-with-benefits (FWB) relationship. The relationship lasts a long time when both people understand and agree on shared interests and continue to discuss what works for them.

However, asking the person on a date especially when it isn’t part of your agreement may complicate the relationship. Going out on Valentine’s Day suggests love and romance. Are those part of your deal?

If not, open the idea and ask the person. Become open and honest especially if you plan to level up the relationship.

Anyone that results in a complicated relationship

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These include people you’ve had past relationships whether abusive, traumatic and romantic. Avoid calling out the people you think has feelings for you as it gives them hope. It makes them believe they have a space in your life.

This year, leave the people from the past in the past. Try not to string yourself in short-term relationships and those that don’t provide value. Remember, Valentine’s Day is just a day but the actions you choose to celebrate the faux holiday can lead you to irreversible heartache and regret.

Smart Investments: Guide Questions to Help You Save More This Year

What are your goals for the year?

Is it learning a new language, getting on a cruise or visiting a new city? Do you want to become financially stable this year? Whatever you wish to do is possible when you have the right tools and mindset.

If you want to end up more affluent than last year, you need to become determined and ready to take on the challenge. Money matters isn’t a walk in the park. It can be a struggle especially when opportunities are scarce. You may be settled with your house and lot in a beautiful place like Vermosa, but your bank accounts amount to zero.

You can use these guide questions to figure out how to have more cash-ins this year.

1. Are there any remaining fees to pay?


Whether you’re settled in a rental or in a property you own, there are always costs associated with it. It may come from monthly dues from your condo’s amenities, homeowners’ membership fee, parking space charges and other expenses related to maintaining your area. Annual taxes like those from your income property can accumulate if you don’t deal with them as soon as you can.

The fees may also come from repairs or renovations you had the past years. You may have unfulfilled duties from a large purchase or loan. Taking note of all these money outflows give you a vision of the liabilities you’ve accumulated.

2. Does the house budget cover the monthly fees?


Organized people and those who are veterans on home budgets are aware of the power of maintaining a budget. Some households have a separate budget for their home expenses, like repairs and purchases, and daily sustenance, such as food, clothing, and entertainment.

You can avoid overspending or run a negative balance when you keep your monthly fees within your budget. Utility bills, regular check-ups, and stocking up on food supplies are all examples of monthly payments. Managing your expense levels within your means is a way of having a few bucks left for other things.

3. Which mode of transportation is the most applicable?


The mode of transportation that will help you save highly depends on you and your family’s lifestyle. If you have a car, you can drive the children to school and pick them up afterward, especially if their schedules match. If not, it’s better to let them take the school bus. It saves you money for gas and reduces your carbon footprint.

At the same time consider your workplace. Is it much better to drive to work or take the daily commute? When the price of oil adjusts, vehicle owners can feel it’s immediate effects as petroleum prices go up. Meanwhile, fares take a long time to change as they are subject to review by government agencies and regulatory boards.

If you really want to lessen your cash outflow, use a bike. Biking to work and other places you wish to visit is a way to save the Earth and your wallet.

4. Is there enough money left for travel?


If you like to travel or wish to go on a trip this year, you need to ask yourself if the amount left is enough to cover travel expenses. Though traveling is now affordable thanks to various promos and discount packages, you still need to have some left for dining and touring.

You can postpone this year’s travel to next year if venturing out is not possible. It’s much better to delay a flight than accumulate debts from credit card interest rates.

5. Is there a budget for impulse purchases?


Controlling yourself from spending throughout the year requires a reward. You can go shopping once in a while as long as you’re sure to set a budget for impulse buys.

You can set your budget for impulsive purchases the same way you set one for home expenses. However, it should not amount the same as those you spend on food and other necessities. Most of all, make impulse buys a limited occasion so as not to spoil the moment.

These five questions are just a guide to help you get a view of your current situation. The real work starts when you learn to embrace the things you have to work on regarding for financial health. You always get the help of a professional money manager to get you started on real investing.

Not Quite An Adult: Foolproofing Your New Year’s Resolution

new year, new year resolutions, calendar, 2018

Conversations after the New Year always involve one thing – NY resolutions. It’s almost a requirement, especially if you’re an adult. It comes during the coffee break and lunchroom chatters. It even comes up when you’re just strolling the grounds of UP Ayala Technohub.

Whether or not you have one, its always a feat to make them a reality. Only a fraction of the adult population worldwide accomplishes what they wish for during the beginning of the year. Fortunately, there’s a way to make your dream work for you.

1. Aim for the thoughts that bother you.

If you still don’t have a resolution, you still have time to think it through. It’s easy to get swayed by other people’s decisions and opinions. A lot of people want to lose weight, overcome a fear, or take their career to the next level. Those ideas are fine and valid. Unfortunately, they aren’t for you. They are for the people who want to tick those items off their lists.

The best resolutions are those that bother your subconscious. It can be as simple as a doctor’s appointment or a significant change, like moving to your dream city. It doesn’t matter how trivial and silly it may sound to others as long as it’s what has been resonating in your head.

Making your resolution about the things that bother you most helps you conquer yourself. Moreover, it enables you to make peace with your mind and body as it becomes a way for you to accept who you are – shortcomings and whatnot.

2. Change the resolution to actions.

Once you’ve figured out the thing you want to change or improve, slowly work towards it. Digest the golden piece of information you found out about yourself. Hold it dearly, but not too much. The goal is to let go or improve your current situation. It will overwhelm you but fret not.

You can conquer your goal by turning them into actions. Think of it as an action. Translate the nouns and adjectives to action words. If you want to achieve a summer body, think of all the things you can do that helps get closer to it. List down the factors that can and will work against your vision. When you identify the roadblocks in your path, you can come up with solutions and activities that align with your end goal.

If you eat a balanced meal but lack physical activity, then lack of movement is what deters you from being fit. Try not to force yourself to find out all the actions you need to do. Take each day as an opportunity to try out which one work and those that don’t.

3. Chunk it.

Once you have the vision and a list of activities to undertake, then you’ve accomplished half the job. However, the real work starts after the first month or first quarter of the year when a bunch of other things comes in your life. There will be instance and opportunities that will be against your vision. At times, it will make you forget the path you chose.

To stay on track, you must turn the vision into doable pieces. If you have a sedentary profession, why not spend an hour walking or jogging? Invite a friend or bring your dog. Explore an unfamiliar town or city on weekends. If you tend to dine out or order takeouts, why not master your favorite dish? Learning to cook gives you a new life skill. It may also ignite a passion you never knew you had.

These are examples of how to transform your goal into everyday actions. Doing this integrates your vision into your daily life. Most of all, it tricks your brain to think that it’s simple and easy. The next time you have a goal, it won’t be as difficult as it looks.

4. Allow the actions to come naturally.

When you chuck the items into manageable pieces, the tasks become effortless. They won’t appear as grand items. They won’t come off as a one-way ticket to your dreams. Overcoming a difficulty is hard work. It’s something you learn when you remind yourself the things you have to do to make your vision a reality.

Check yourself once in a while. When making a decision, especially something close to your goal, choose the one that positively affects it. Always go for the things with positive impact. If you have to go against your dream, you need to forgive yourself and try again.


Not Quite An Adult: Fostering Self-Motivation

The essence of being an adult doesn’t rely on a person’s age. It comes with the person’s understanding of the world and their capacity to handle responsibility.

Traversing through an adult’s daily life is not an easy feat. Days don’t always end up with fancy dinners, parties, and shopping sprees in the shops at Vertis North. Often, it includes drama on the bus ride or mental sparring at work. Other things are happening every day, and most of them don’t come in happy colors.

Thus, an adult needs to be mentally stable and motivated to face daily challenges. If you are struggling with motivation, here are five ways that will help you push yourself to do more.

1. Consider its worth.

smile wide

Shift your attention to your end goal or the feelings you want to achieve instead of thinking about the challenges you have to face. Think about how much you will gain after completing the process.

Realize the changes you will have after the series of tasks, and you get to see how much you’ve improved. You will discover the knowledge or skills you didn’t possess are now part of you.


2. Acknowledge the negative feelings.

home sad

Demotivation is natural to everyone. Once in a while, you are not up to the task, and you feel like you won’t do a great job on the things you have to accomplish. What you sense at the moment exists and is valid. However, it isn’t true.

You may not have an idea on how to go about the task, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t fit for the job. Whenever you have doubts and ill feelings lingering in your head, accept it. Feel it then give your attention to finishing the job. Emotions are highly volatile and unpredictable, yet they don’t stay for long. As long as you fill your head with positive thoughts, you can smoothly reign over your mindset.

3. Emphasize the solution.

online shopping

Getting over the feeling is just the beginning. Real struggle comes at the time when you have to come up with actions leading to positive results. Take note of all the steps you can come up that gets you closer to resolving the problem.

You can meditate to assess the situation. You can also approach a close associate or colleague for their opinion. If it’s too personal, a mentor is the best person to ask for unbiased solutions while a close friend is an ideal person towards emotional situations.


4. Congratulate yourself.

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It doesn’t matter how big or small is your achievement at the end of the day. After the time and effort you put into it, you should always give yourself credit for working on it. Take some time off. Treat yourself to a fancy meal or a day at the spa. Do something that makes you feel good about yourself. That way, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated when you face your tasks.

5. Step away from the task.

home gym

Alternate between continuous grinding to cooling off. When you are exhausted and burnt from long hours on the job, you become less efficient and produce fewer results. It helps when you step away from your task or the workplace. Get out of your cubicle and your room. Remember to eat meals regularly. Schedule other recreation activities in between so you won’t get bored of the routine.

Remember to enjoy the process. Ideas won’t come quickly, and the people you work can be unpredictable. However, paying attention to yourself – strengths, capabilities and mental resilience – will help you get through your trials. Visualize your goal and the things you want to achieve. You are sure to come out victorious.